A Cooperação Técnica e Econômica Indiana, popularmente conhecida como ITEC, foi lançada por uma decisão do gabinete indiano em 15 de setembro de 1964 como um programa bilateral de assistência do governo da Índia. Sob ele são aplicáveis países na Ásia, África, Leste Europeu, América Central e América Latina, Pacífico e Pequenas Ilhas, os quais suas instituições são convidadas a compartilhar a experiência do desenvolvimento indiano técnico adquirida ao longo de cinco décadas. A Índia possui uma rica experiência no campo do desenvolvimento econômico, além de habilidades e tecnologias de mão de obra adequadas às exigências dos países em desenvolvimento. A ITEC é um dos veículos para o compartilhamento dessas experiências com os amigos da Índia, representando também como porta-bandeira do esforço de cooperação técnica do governo indiano, não apenas por sua ampla cobertura geográfica, mas também pelas formas inovadoras de cooperação.
O ITEC Executive é um programa exclusivo para funcionários de nível sênior dos países parceiros, que abrange treinamentos, workshops, visitas de exposição e, até mesmo, a visita de uma delegação do país parceiro para desenvolver um entendimento das práticas, sistemas existentes na Índia é coberta pelo ITEC-Executive.
Os cursos são custeados pelo Governo Indiano para as instituições governamentais e não lucrativas sediadas nos países citados acima. O programa da ITEC inclui os mais diversos setores:
(1) Agriculture, Food And Fertilizer
(2) Banking, Insurance, Finance, Accounts And Audit
(3) Cyber Technologies, AI And Emergent Technologies
(4) Education
(5) Engineering And Technology
(6) English Language
(7) Environment And Climate Change
(8) Government Function
(9) Health And Yoga
(10) Human Resourse Development And Planning
(11) Irrigation And Water Resources
(12) IT And Telecommunication
(13) Management And Leadership
(14) Media and Journalism
(15) Oceanography
(16) Petroleum And Hydrocarbon
(17) Power, Renewable & Alternate Energy
(18) Project Management
(19) Quality Management
(20) Rural Development And Poverty Alleviation
(21) Smes And Entrepreneurship
(22) Specialized Courses
(23) Sustainable Development And South South Cooperation
(24) Textile
(25 ) Trade And International Market
(26 ) Urban Planning
(27) Women Empowerment
Se cadastre para as próximas turmas através do site: https://www.itecgoi.in/
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, popularly known as ITEC, was launched by a decision of the Indian cabinet on September 15th, 1964 as a bilateral assistance program of the government of India. Under it are applicable countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Central America and Latin America, Pacific and Small Islands, which their institutions are invited to share the experience of Indian technical development acquired over five decades. India has rich experience in the field of economic development, as well as skills and labor technologies suited to the requirements of developing countries. ITEC is one of the vehicles for sharing these experiences with the friends of India, also representing as a flagship of the Indian government’s technical cooperation effort, not only for its wide geographical coverage, but also for the innovative forms of cooperation.
The ITEC Executive is an exclusive program for senior level employees from partner countries, covering training, workshops, exhibition visits and even the visit of a delegation from the partner country to develop an understanding of the practices, systems existing in India is covered by ITEC-Executive.
The courses are funded by the Indian Government for government and non-profit institutions based in the countries mentioned above. The ITEC program includes the most diverse sectors:
(1) Agriculture, Food And Fertilizer
(2) Banking, Insurance, Finance, Accounts And Audit
(3) Cyber Technologies, AI And Emergent Technologies
(4) Education
(5) Engineering And Technology
(6) English Language
(7) Environment And Climate Change
(8) Government Function
(9) Health And Yoga
(10) Human Resourse Development And Planning
(11) Irrigation And Water Resources
(12) IT And Telecommunication
(13) Management And Leadership
(14) Media and Journalism
(15) Oceanography
(16) Petroleum And Hydrocarbon
(17) Power, Renewable & Alternate Energy
(18) Project Management
(19) Quality Management
(20) Rural Development And Poverty Alleviation
(21) Smes And Entrepreneurship
(22) Specialized Courses
(23) Sustainable Development And South South Cooperation
(24) Textile
(25 ) Trade And International Market
(26 ) Urban Planning
(27) Women Empowerment
Register for the next classes through the website: https://www.itecgoi.in/